Pubblicazioni recenti

Lavori presentati alla ACBS World Conference - Giugno, 2022

La Conferenza Mondiale ACBS riunisce medici, psicoterapeuti e ricercatori a livello internazionale interessati all'ACT, la RFT e le scienze contestuali.

I seguenti poster sono stati presentati all'ACBS World Conference 20
San Francisco, California, 14-19 Giugno, 2022

A web/mobile application tool oriented to Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT)

Autori: E. Rossi, F. Mancini (2022)
Primary Topic: Clinical intervention development or outcomes; Mobile or digital technology
Subtopic: Psychological Flexibility; Web/Mobile Application; ACT Metaphors & Exercises
Abstract: (Background) The poster introduces a research project that offers an outline of a web/mobile application tool oriented to Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT; Hayes, Strosahl, & Wilson, 1999, 2012) a psychotherapy grounded on solid scientific foundations and based on Relational Frame Theory (RFT; Hayes, Barnes-Holmes, & Roche, 2001) a modern contextual behavioral approach to human language and cognition.
(Method) In this project an Italian language tool was designed intended to support clinical activity with the aim to increase psychological flexibility and well-being of the client and the clinician. This web/mobile application project wasn't directed toward a stand-alone tool substituting the therapeutic process, instead it was conceived as an integration tool to it, with the aim of enhancing the clinical practice with experiential exercises and effective practices related to ACT processes of psychological flexibility that could be trained outside the therapy room.
(Results) In this poster a Version 1.0 of a web/mobile application tool oriented to ACT is presented and defined in core clinical aspects, and tries to describe a potential logical and operational structure of the tool. Therefore, with an explanatory aim, a graphic hypothesis was planned over an original series of exemplificative images and screenshots that were designed for the intended purpose.
(Discussion) This work was carried out to provide the client and the clinician an universally accessible, clear and intuitive web/mobile application for the practice of ACT processes and is related to a broader project, organized in several phases introduced in previous ACBS World Conferences, which entailed all the psychological flexibility processes.


Lavori presentati alla ACBS World Conference - Giugno, 2022
