Pubblicazioni recenti

Lavori presentati alla ACBS World Conference - Luglio, 2015

La Conferenza Mondiale ACBS riunisce medici, psicoterapeuti e ricercatori a livello internazionale interessati all'ACT, la RFT e le scienze contestuali.

I seguenti lavori sono stati presentati all'ACBS World Conference 13
Berlin, Germany, 14-19 Luglio, 2015:


Carloni, V., Rossi, E., Romitelli, M., Melchiorri, E., Romitelli, M., Picchio, G., Panzera, A. (2015). Validation of The Brief Multidimensional Student’s Life Satisfaction Scale (BMSLSS) for the Italian youth population. Poster presented at ACBS World Conference 13 - Berlin, Germany - July 14-19, 2015.

Melchiorri, E., Rossi, E., Carloni, V., Panzera, A. (2015). Being a mindful mother: Application and efficacy of a brief mindfulness-based intervention on a pregnant women sample. Paper presented at ACBS World Conference 13, “Programs for Children and Parents: Implementation and Effectiveness” Symposium - Berlin, Germany - July 14-19, 2015.

Melchiorri, E., Rossi, E., Panzera, A. (2015). Move in ACT. Ignite presented at ACBS World Conference 13 - Berlin, Germany - July 14-19, 2015.

Melchiorri, E., Rossi, E., Panzera, A., Carloni, V., Romitelli, M., Picchio, G. (2015). Validation of the Dysfunctional Attitude Scale (DAS) in the Italian Youth Population. Poster presented at ACBS World Conference 13 - Berlin, Germany - July 14-19, 2015.

Melchiorri, E., Rossi, E., Panzera, A., Ristè, N., Carloni, V. (2015). Reliability and Validity of an Italian version of the Perceived Stress Scale (PSS) for Youth. Poster presented at ACBS World Conference 13 - Berlin, Germany - July 14-19, 2015.

Panzera, A., Carloni, V., Romitelli, M., Rossi, E., Melchiorri, E. (2015). Subjective Happiness Scale (SHS): Psychometric Properties on an Italian sample of adolescents. Poster presented at ACBS World Conference 13 - Berlin, Germany - July 14-19, 2015.

Ristè, N., Panzera, A., Melchiorri, E., Rossi, E. (2015). ACT Research for Kids: How to introduce the Hexaflex at School. Poster presented at ACBS World Conference 13 - Berlin, Germany - July 14-19, 2015.

Romitelli, M., Melchiorri, E., Rossi, E., Ristè, N., Carloni, V., Panzera, A. (2015). Student’s Life Satisfaction Scale (SLSS): Psychometric Characteristics on an Italian Youth Sample. Poster presented at ACBS World Conference 13 - Berlin, Germany - July 14-19, 2015.

Rossi, E., Melchiorri, E., Panzera, A. (2015). A new pearl in the oyster: An exploratory study about the incidence of psychological flexibility on quality of life and psychological wellbeing in adolescence. Paper presented at ACBS World Conference 13, “Embracing Psychological Flexibility: Relationship with life quality and satisfaction and executive functioning” Symposium - Berlin, Germany - July 14-19, 2015.

Rossi, E., Melchiorri, E., Panzera, A., Ristè, N., Carloni, V., Romitelli, M. (2015). Validation study of the Italian Version of the Mindful Attention Awareness Scale for Adolescents (MAAS-A). Poster presented at ACBS World Conference 13 - Berlin, Germany - July 14-19, 2015.

Rossi, E., Melchiorri, E., Panzera, A., Romitelli, M. (2015). A Preliminary Study on Validating the Self-Compassion Scale (SCS) in Italian Adolescents. Poster presented at ACBS World Conference 13 - Berlin, Germany - July 14-19, 2015.


 Lavori presentati alla ACBS World Conference - Luglio, 2015
