Pubblicazioni recenti

Poster presentati alla ACBS World Conference - Giugno, 2017

La Conferenza Mondiale ACBS riunisce medici, psicoterapeuti e ricercatori a livello internazionale interessati all'ACT, la RFT e le scienze contestuali.
I seguenti poster sono stati presentati all'ACBS World Conference 15
Siviglia, Spagna, 22-25 Giugno, 2017

Psychological Flexibility Affecting Psychological Well-Being: A Study on Italian Youths 

Autori: E. Rossi, E. Melchiorri, A. Panzera (2017)
Primary Topic: Clinical Interventions and Interests
Subtopic: Adolescents, psychological flexibility, measures
Abstract: This poster presents an exploratory study on Italian adolescents concerning the existence of a direct correlation between psychological inflexibility and psychological distress and, as a consequence, the existence of a direct correlation between psychological flexibility and psychological well-being. The outcomes presented here emerge from two wide validation studies on a total sample of 1315 Italian adolescents. About 17 measures assessed psychological flexibility and inflexibility (with a particular focus on mindfulness facets, such as acceptance, presence, awareness), psychological distress (anxiety, depression, somatization, dissociation, perceived stress), psychological well-being and quality of life. The scores obtained were submitted to a correlation analysis in order to explore the relationship existing between the ACT core processes and psychological well-being. The implications of the study reveal themselves to be crucial to both researchers and clinicians.

A Research Update on Italian Clinical Instruments Usable for Measuring Psychological Flexibility and Inflexibility During the Adolescence 

Autori: E. Rossi, E. Melchiorri, A. Panzera (2017)
Primary Topic: Clinical Interventions and Interests
Subtopic: Adolescents, psychological flexibility, measures
Abstract: This poster illustrates in short the last research update on three clinical instruments available in Italy in order to measure psychological flexibility and inflexibility in the developmental age. The key focus of this poster is on three self-report instruments: (1) Child and Adolescents Mindfulness Measure (CAMM), measuring mindfulness and acceptance; (2) Avoidance and Fusion Questionnaire for Youth (AFQ-Y), assessing fusion and experiential avoidance resuming the theoretical foundations of Acceptance and Commitment Therapy; (3) Mindful Attention Awareness Scale for Adolescents (MAAS-A), measuring mindfulness as a "receptive state of attention and awareness of the present experience". Using these tools in clinical practice has led to very promising implications. However, it is necessary to deepen the study of psychological flexibility on Italian children and adolescents broadening the range of the evaluation tools.


Poster presentati alla ACBS World Conference - Giugno, 2017
